
Are you looking for a powerful and easy-to-use GUI automation framework for your applications? Look no further than Clicknium . This cutting-edge tool offers high-level APIs that make automating GUI applications a breeze. 

With intelligent plug-ins and a streamlined developer experience, Clicknium offers a fresh and innovative approach to creating your automation universe. 

Whether you need to automate browser actions, test web and desktop applications, or scrape websites, Clicknium  has got you covered.

1. Clicknium In Action #

Follow Quick Start to set up Clicknium and run the sample code.Start First Clicknium Automation Project from zero.

Dive in Tutorial to walk through the fundamental of Clicknium concepts, tools, and their usage.

2. Automation Concepts #

3. CLicknium API Reference #

What are your feelings
Updated on 14 December 2023