
def minimize(
locator: Union[_Locator, str],
locator_variables: dict = {},
timeout: int = 30
) -> None

Minimize the window specified by locator.
Notes: The locator should be recorded using UIA technology, role is window, for example:

locator[Required]: str | _Locator
   Locator string, the visit path of locator for target window element, eg: ‘locator.explorer.window_downloads’, locator store is explorer, and locator name is window_downloads. For more details, please refer to Locator.
locator_variables: dict
   Locator variables, set to initialize parameters in locator, eg: { "row": 1, "column": 1}, more about variables, please refer to Parametric Locator.
timeout: int
   Timeout for the operation, the unit is second, and the default value is 30 seconds.



from clicknium import clicknium as cc

# get window driver
window_driver = cc.window

# minimize window

# parametric locator
variables = {"name":"test"}
window_driver.minimize("locator.notepad.window_notitle_notepad", variables)

What are your feelings
Updated on 11 September 2023