
def get_text(self, timeout: int = 30) -> str

Get text of the target element.

timeout: int
   Timeout for the operation, the unit is second, and the default value is 30 seconds.



from clicknium import clicknium as cc, locator, ui

text = ui(
  • For edit control of windows application, it returns value of the edit control.
from clicknium import clicknium as cc, locator, ui

# return value of the edit document
text = ui(locator.notepad.document).get_text()
  • For control like button, menuitem of windows application, it returns name of the control.
from clicknium import clicknium as cc, locator, ui

# return name of the menuitem
text = ui(locator.notepad.menuitem_format).get_text()
# text is 'format'
  • For web element, it returns innerText.
from clicknium import clicknium as cc, locator
tab ="")
# return inner text of div
text = tab.find_element(
What are your feelings
Updated on 29 August 2023