Locator Management

1. Store Management #

Clicknium supports the following store operations: create, rename, add folder and remove the reference of the current project.

1.1 Create #

To create a new store, follow these steps:

  • Click the “Create Store” button
  • Enter the store name
  • Press “Enter” or “Tab” to save

By selecting the store, you can add locators to it.

1.2 New Folder #

You can create a new folder under the selected store by following these steps:

  • Click the “New Folder” button
  • Enter the folder name
  • Press “Enter” or “Tab” to save

By selecting the folder, you can add locators to it.

1.3 Rename #

To rename the selected store, do the following:

  • Click the “Rename” button or press “F2”
  • Enter the new store name
  • Press “Enter” or “Tab” to save

1.4 Remove Reference #

To remove the reference of the selected store, do the following:

  • Click the “Remove Reference” button
  • Click “Yes” to confirm

2. Folder Management #

Clicknium supports the following folder operations: rename, new folder, and delete.

2.1 New Folder #

To create a new folder under the selected folder, do the following:

  • Click the “New Folder” button
  • Enter the folder name
  • Press “Enter” or “Tab” to save

2.2 Rename #

To rename the selected folder, do the following:

  • Click the “Rename” button or press “F2”
  • Enter the new folder name
  • Press “Enter” or “Tab” to save

2.3 Delete #

To delete the selected folder, do the following:

  • Click the “Delete” button
  • Click “Yes” to confirm

3. Locator Management #

Clicknium supports the following locator operations: rename, new folder, and delete.

3.1 Recapture #

To recapture a new element with a selected locator, refer to Recapture.

3.2 Rename #

To rename the selected locator, do the following:

  • Click the “Rename” button or press “F2”
  • Enter the new locator name
  • Press “Enter” or “Tab” to save

3.3 Delete #

To delete the selected locator, do the following:

  • Click the “Delete” button
  • Click “Yes” to confirm
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Updated on 27 November 2023