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Easy way to manage and collaborate locators online

Share locators among projects

Cloud locator store can be referenced by different projects simultaneously. In business automation processes or test automation cases, locators can be used repeatedly. With cloud locator store, the locators can be captured and optimized once, and all related automation projects can refer to the locators without repeated efforts.

Share locators among users

Enable Team Collaboration

  • Team members can share the same cloud locator store with customized permissions
  • Developers can work in different parts of the locator store for the same application

Share link

  • Locators can be shared by link for viewing and editing

Online update

When an application is automated in different projects, a locator store related to this application can be created in cloud. So if any application UI change happens, locators can be updated online without making changes to automation scripts. With locators decoupled and managed online, automation can be updated for target UI changes in real time.