
 def is_existing(
locator: Union[_Locator, str],
locator_variables: dict = {},
timeout: int = 30
) -> bool

Check whether the UI element exists or not.

locator[Required]: str | _Locator
   Locator string, the visit path of locator for target UI element, eg: ‘’, locator store is chrome, and locator name is search_sb_form_q. For more details, please refer to Locator.
locator_variables: dict
   Locator variables, set to initialize parameters in locator, eg: { "row": 1, "column": 1}, more about variables, please refer to Parametric Locator.
timeout: int
   Timeout for locating the target UI element, the unit is second, and the default value is 30 seconds.

 Return True if the UI element exists, otherwise return False.


from clicknium import clicknium as cc, locator


#parametric locator
variables = {"name":"test"}
cc.is_existing(, variables)
What are your feelings
Updated on 29 August 2023