Code IntelliSense

1. Code Complete #

The Clicknium repository provides a locator that can be used for code completion.

  • When you enter the character “.” after the locator, the Store referenced in the project is automatically displayed.
  • When you enter the character “.” after Store, the folder and locator under Store are displayed.

2. Locator Error Hint #

2.1 Error Type #

  • If the ui orfind_element function argument is not a locator, an error message will be displayed.
  • If it is a store or folder, an error message will also be displayed.

2.2 Locator Does Not Exsit #

  • If the entered locator does not exist in the referenced store, an error message will be displayed.
  • To generate a locator for an element that does not exist, select Quick Fixto start the recorder.

3. Locator Hover #

  • Hovering the mouse over the locator in the code will display the locator content for easy identification.
  • Open: Open the corresponding locator to edit.
  • Validate: Validate the locator.
  • Recapture: Start the recorder to capture the locator again. If the recorded locator differs from the one in the editing window, it will be saved directly.

4. Auto Fill #

  1. Press the shortcut key ‘CTRL+F10’ or clickCapture in the right menu to start the recorder.
  2. After recording, select a locator that is required to fill in the recorder.
  3. After clicking OK, the locator will be automatically filled into the code.
What are your feelings
Updated on 28 November 2023