Capture Single Element

Below is a guide on capturing a single element using Clicknium, Clicknium offers three recording methods: single capture, continuous capture, and image capture.

1. How to start recorder #

To start recording, you can either start from Visual Studio Code ‘LOCATORS’ tab, start capture in Visual Studio Code ‘CLOUD LOCATORS’ tab, or press the hotkey Ctrl+F10‘.

2. Capture methods #

Clicknium provides three recording methods:

  • single capture
  • continuous capture
  • image capture.

Remarks: The new recorded locator will be added into current selected locator store.

(1). Single capture #

For single capture, follow these steps:

  1. Select the UI element you want to capture.
  2. While moving the mouse, the UI element will be highlighted, and its position will be displayed on the recorder panel.
  3. PressCtrl+click‘.
  4. Click the ‘Complete’ button.

(2). Continuous capture #

To use continuous capture, follow these steps:

  1. Select the UI element you want to capture.
  2. Keep selecting UI elements by pressingCtrl + click.
  3. Click the ‘Complete’ button on the recorder panel.

(3). Image capture #

To use image capture, follow these steps:

  1. Select the UI element you want to capture.
  2. Press Shift and select an area of the element with the mouse.
  3. Validate image locators as below:
  4. Click the ‘Complete’ button on the recorder panel.

To select capture technology and advanced options, refer to the Capture Technology and Capture Advanced Option sections.

3. Capture technology #

  • The supported capture technologies include UIA, IA, Java, IE, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and SAP. The default technology is Auto Detect, which means the recorder will automatically select the technology.
  • For web UI elements, you can choose IE, Chrome, Firefox, or Edge capture technology based on your browser type.
  • For SAP applications, you can select the SAP capture technology.
  • For Java applications, select Java capture technology.
  • For window UI elements, you can choose UIA or IA capture technology.

4. Advanced option #

The default option for advanced capture is None. When recording web UI elements, you can also select XPath to generate an XPath string.

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Updated on 22 November 2023