🔜 Clicknium Python package

Clicknium Python package supports automating various types of applications,

such as Web browser, Windows application, Java application and SAP Windows GUI App, etc.

Install Clicknium Python pacakge

(1) System Requirements #

  • Python 3.7 or above
  • Windows 7 SP1 or above

(2) Install the package #

					pip install clicknium

(3) API Reference #


  • WebDriver: the web automation related objects and APIs.
  • Window: the window specific automation APIs.
  • SAP: the SAP specific automation APIs.
  • Java: the Java extension APIs.

(4)  Example #

					from clicknium import clicknium as cc, locator, ui


A sample code for web automation with clicknium is as follows.

					# open new browser window
chrome_tab = cc.chrome.open("https://www.bing.com")

# automation on already opened browser
chrome_tab = cc.chrome.attach_by_title_url(url="https://www.bing.com")

# you can also use the following api directly, clicknium will automatically attach to the browser

# for Windows application
What are your feelings
Updated on 17 November 2023