
def find_element(
        locator: Union[_Locator, str],
        locator_variables: dict = {},
        window_mode: Literal["auto", "topmost", "noaction"] = WindowMode.Auto
    ) -> UiElement 

Return the UI element defined by the given locator.


locator[Required]: str | _Locator
   locator string, the visit path of locator for target UI element, eg: ‘’, locator store is chrome, and locator name is search_sb_form_q. For more details, please refer to Locator.

locator_variables: dict
   locator variables, set to initialize parameters in locator, eg: { "row": 1, "column": 1}.
   More about variables, please refer to Parametric Locator.

window_mode: WindowMode
   It defines whether to set the UI element’s parent window to topmost before an action is invoked.
  auto: default value, set the window to topmost by default.
  topmost: always set the window to topmost
  noaction: doing nothing for topmost mode


from clicknium import clicknium as cc, locator, ui

searchBox = cc.find_element(
searchBox = ui(

#parametric locator
variables = {"name":"test"}
searchBox = ui(, variables)
What are your feelings
Updated on 29 December 2023